Thursday, 17 November 2016

How to get Your Documents Apostiled for European Countries

What does apostile mean?
During Hauge Convention, several countries agreed upon a system which was to be followed later that was just like notarizing the documents of the candidates who  are willing to get a visa to most of the European countries. Basically it is a sticker with a stamp which is pasted on the back side of your documents which are attested. Besides that the docs may have to be legalised by the local authorities as well.

Where is it done?
It is done in the Consular, Passport and Visa (CPV) division of the MEA. It is located on TILAK MARG. There is a big Blue sign on TILAR MARG inscribed with capital English Letters in white marking the entrance of the CPV-MEA. To get there take the metro to Pragati Maidan. From there ask someone to tell you to guide you to India Gate (also to Patiala House). You should also see India Gate as the metro travels outside the tunnel in that stretch). The CPV is on TILAK MARG and a walking distance of about 1.5 KM or 2 bus stops (a 3 Rupee ride). For new people I recommend walking the distance. The auto will not like to take you there as it is a max 10-20 rupee fare. The meter doesn’t even tick it is so short a distance.

What is the complete address of the CPV-MEA?
Ministry of External Affairs,CPV Division (Attestation Cell), Patiala House Annexe
Tilak Marg, New Delhi
Telefax: 2338-7931

What time and days does it open for acceptance and delivery?
The documents are accepted Monday-Friday (except holidays) from 0930-1200 9:30AM-12PM) and are delivered the same day around 1500-1700 (3PM-5PM).

Does it cost anything?
Yes, it costs around 50/- legally which is hardly a choice as nobody helps you without any perks. If you want all hassles then total cost will be around 1500-2500 per document as it is never done on the same day (unlike it is claimed). Two days means double the travelling expenses and time consumed at the place. The second option is hiring  someone expert to get the work done. In that case it will cost you around 1500-2000. It depends on the number of documents and your location. British Academy at Yamunangar provides you the same facility. You can contact them at

What do I need? Just the original document?
No, it has to be signed by several authorities depending on the type of the document. Often it is SDM and MEA countersigned. In some cases it is signed by Ministry of Education /Home Department.
Can this be done by mail?

How much time it took you to get your document done?
Often it takes around 2-3 days.

How many types of apostile are there?

There are two types of apostile:

1.) Apostile with "No Responsibility" stamp


2.) Apostile without "No  Responsibility" stamp


Please note that most of the embassies DO NOT accept docs with "No Responsibility" stamp. 

Source: British Academy Blog
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Please not that the service charges are not fixed, they are negotiable.

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